A warrior's skirt made from rings: early mail armour or a collector's vision?





Italic bronze belt, origin of mail armour, Iron Age in south Italy, Female burials, armour or ornamentation


An Italic bronze belt in the collection of the Louvre Museum contains an unusual feature: a mesh of bronze rings hangs from it, forming a mail skirt. The belt itself dates to the 4th century BC. As for the skirt, it has been suggested that it may be one of the earliest occurrences of mail, or possibly an ancestor of mail armour. However, closer examination demonstrates that the belt and skirt do not belong together and were married in the 19th century. The skirt does not concern mail armour, nor an ancestor. Analysis of similar finds shows that the skirt is an 8th - 7th century BC hip ornament from a female burial in southern Italy.


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How to Cite

Wijnhoven, M. A. (2019). A warrior’s skirt made from rings: early mail armour or a collector’s vision?. Gladius, 39, 45–70. https://doi.org/10.3989/gladius.2019.03


