Long spears and tactics of the western Germans in the 1st century A.D. (according to Tacitus' description)


  • Alexander K. Nefedkin Editor-in-chief of the military history journal Parabellum novum




Germans, Tacitus, long spears, tactics, battle technique


In the battle array the German warriors with long spears and large shields stood at the front since their shields were of no use within the ranks. The size of the shields provided good protection against enemy weapons and therefore armor was not very necessary for the warriors. On the other hand, the lack of armor encourages the development of good coverage by a large shield. Behind the shield-bearers stood a large body of warriors armed with missiles: the Germans were armed with spears and javelins. During close combat the shield-bearers covered their throwers from enemy attack. Extending their long spears forward, they did not allow the enemy to approach closely, striking him from a distance. Large shields protected well against missiles both the shield-bearers and the throwers standing behind them. The elementary tactics of the Germans gives us the key to understanding the interaction on the battlefield of throwers and warriors armed with long spears and shields.


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How to Cite

Nefedkin, A. K. (2016). Long spears and tactics of the western Germans in the 1st century A.D. (according to Tacitus’ description). Gladius, 36, 49–58. https://doi.org/10.3989/gladius.2016.0003




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