Use of the bow by the Praetorian cohorts


  • Héctor Ceñal Martínez Doctor en Historia por la Universidad de Oviedo



Arch, Castra Praetoria, Praetorian Cohorts, field army, pila, Severan reform


In this article we have attempted to present a general idea of the use of a weapon that is not usually associated with Praetorian soldiers, showing how soldiers were forced to adapt to new times. We have analyzed epigraphic and literary sources, and we can consider as proven the employment of this weapon in the praetorium throughout the 3rd century AD as a result of adaptation to new battle techniques in the face of old and new enemies.


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How to Cite

Ceñal Martínez, H. (2011). Use of the bow by the Praetorian cohorts. Gladius, 31, 77–82.


