Notes on the use and construction of siege weapons in the kingdom of Valencia during the War of the two Pedros (1356-1366)




Armament, siege weapons, kingdom of Valencia, War of the Two Pedros, poliorcetics


This paper aims to analyze the use and, above all, the construction of siege weapons during the War of the Two Pedros. The context has been circumscribed to the kingdom of Valencia, an area in which some of the most important sieges of this war took place. An area from which our main source of information comes: accounting notes on the construction of siege weapons. With this information, and after briefly dealing with the use of siege weapons during the war, we have carried out an analysis of the materials, costs and professionals involved in the manufacture of these weapons. Finally, we offer a balance and some considerations regarding the effectiveness of siege weapons and how profitable investing in them could have been.


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How to Cite

Sanahuja Ferrer, P. (2023). Notes on the use and construction of siege weapons in the kingdom of Valencia during the War of the two Pedros (1356-1366). Gladius, 43, 139–151.


