The developed helmets of the Christian Kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula of 1150–1230 AD: indications of unique regional styles




Helmets, High Middle Ages, 12th century, Spain, Iberian Peninsula, armour, typology


The knightly helmets used in the Christian kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula in the 12th and early 13th centuries presented a range of designs that reflect both the local military fashion trends and the cultural influences from France in the northeast and Muslim-held regions in the south. Despite the near-complete absence of an archaeological record for helmets, these designs are amply represented in visual arts. This study analyses 56 artworks depicting helmets with developed facial protection executed within the historical territories of Aragon, Navarra, Castile and Leon. The proposed typology outlines three possibly endemic Iberian helmet types, as well as three further types common in the art of other European regions. The temporal and geographical distributions of sources are discussed. It is concluded that the earliest depictions of both the masked and enclosed helmets in Europe are found in Navarre, although generally, the Iberian depictions of helmets with developed facial protection are contemporary with those in the rest of Europe.


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How to Cite

Konstantinovich Alekseychik, P., Frederick McSweeney, R. L., & Español-Solana, D. (2023). The developed helmets of the Christian Kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula of 1150–1230 AD: indications of unique regional styles. Gladius, 43, 97–123.


