War, aggressions against embassies and gender prejudice during the expansion of the roman republic: the case of Teuta of Illyria





War, diplomacy, ius legationis, Roman Republic, Illyria, Teuta


During the expansion of the Roman Republic, aggression against diplomatic missions was repeatedly regarded as grounds for the declaration of war. This paper provides an examination of the literary evidence alluding to this issue, which is analysed in the context of the history of ancient diplomacy. Special attention is paid, as a case study, to the alleged crimes against ius legationis committed in 230 BC by Teuta, regent of Illyria, in which converge, also, interpretations biased by the female condition of this ruler.


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How to Cite

García Riaza, E. (2020). War, aggressions against embassies and gender prejudice during the expansion of the roman republic: the case of Teuta of Illyria. Gladius, 40, 7–17. https://doi.org/10.3989/gladius.2020.01




Funding data

Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Grant numbers PGC2018-096415-B-C21

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