A 15th century ear-dagger and its scabbard from the found at Castel-Minier (French Pyrenees)





Ear dagger, Castel-Minier, copper alloys, typology, 15th century


Unearthing a weapon in an ancient mining area during an excavation is very unlikely. The discovery made at Castel-Minier is even more important since its stratigraphical context is well characterized, dating from the 15th century. This ear-dagger of an uncommon type, found along with its scabbard, differs greatly from those known in the museum collections by its sobriety. An archaeometric study was carried out focusing on the chemical characterization of its distinct components, putting in light the choice of the assembled materials (wood, gold, lead and copper alloys). Beyond the purpose of this dagger lost in a 15th century silver mine, its study makes it possible to see for the first time a Catalan area ear dagger produced for a regional market.


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How to Cite

Téreygeol, F., Disser, A., Flament, J., & Sarah, G. (2019). A 15th century ear-dagger and its scabbard from the found at Castel-Minier (French Pyrenees). Gladius, 39, 109–126. https://doi.org/10.3989/gladius.2019.06


