The Moesian campaigns during Trajan’s first Dacian War (101-102 ad): the last expansionist attempt of the Dacian Stat




Dacia, Trajan, Dacian Wars, Decebalus, Roxolani, Bastarnae, Troapeum Traiani, Danube, Black Sea, corona classica, Naval Warfare


The operations carried out in Moesia Inferior in summer and autumn of 101 AD, during Trajan’s first Dacian War, supposed the last great display of the Dacian State’s expansionist ambitions over Danubian Europe and were about to tilt against Rome the balance of the conflict. The overwhelming defeat suffered by the Dacians and their allies at Trajan’s hands on Moesia Inferior sentenced the result of the war and indirectly sealed the fate of the Dacian kingdom. Throughout these pages we are going to tackle a detailed analysis of these operations, its scope and its strategic implications by means of a thorough revision of the literary, epigraphic and iconographic sources, combined with a proper knowledge of the conflict’s scenario, its characteristics and its impact over the course of the campaign.


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How to Cite

Soria Molina, D. (2018). The Moesian campaigns during Trajan’s first Dacian War (101-102 ad): the last expansionist attempt of the Dacian Stat. Gladius, 38, 67–87.




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