Dog sacrifices in the Xandica: A hypothesis on the cult of Ennodia in the macedonian army




Macedonia, Thessaly, Ennodia, Philip II, Alexander the Great, Hekate, Pherae


The dismemberment of a female dog as a purification ceremony before a ritual combat that the Macedonian army held in the Xandica, could be related to Ennodia goddess, an equivalent to Hecate in the Thessalian and Macedonian context. From the historical sources statements and the archaeological remains, we try to prove this hypothesis, in which we present the possibility that this ritual was incorporated with Thessalian troops that Philip II introduced in the Macedonian army in the context of the deep military reform developed when he came to the head of the kingdom.


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How to Cite

Agudo Villanueva, M. (2016). Dog sacrifices in the Xandica: A hypothesis on the cult of Ennodia in the macedonian army. Gladius, 36, 59–76.


