Weapons at the battlefield of Kalkriese


  • Achim Rost Universität Osnabrück, FB Kultur- und Geowissenschaften. Alte Geschichte: Archäologie der Römischen Provinzen
  • Susanne Wilbers-Rost Varusschlacht im Osnabrücker Land GmbH – Museum und Park Kalkriese, Department of Archaeology




Kalkriese, Teutoburg Forest, Battlefi eld, Varus Battle, Romans, Roman weapons, battlefi eld archaeology, Arminius, Germans, ambush, looting


Archaeological investigations have been taking place at the Kalkriese Hill in Northern Germany since 1987. Roman coins and military equipment are the result of a battle between Romans and Germans, probably the Varus Battle (A.D. 9). It is the aim of our research project to reconstruct the course of the battle. It has become apparent that one cannot deduct the intensity of fighting by the number of finds. Instead, we have to take into account the impact of post-battle processes on the archaeological record, such as rescuing of wounded soldiers, looting by the victors and body-stripping. This paper illustrates the finds and features from Kalkriese, especially from the main site «Oberesch», where most of the Roman artefacts as well as a rampart built by Germans as an ambush against Roman troops, and a series of pits containing the bones of the dead Roman soldiers were found. In addition, new methodological approaches for the interpretation of ancient battlefields are presented.


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How to Cite

Rost, A., & Wilbers-Rost, S. (2010). Weapons at the battlefield of Kalkriese. Gladius, 30, 117–136. https://doi.org/10.3989/gladius.2010.0006


